Australian wildlife photography

I started off in wildlife photography from a very young age, back in the era of film, with a camera and two lenses that my uncle had acquired for me. My first images were black and white, and I developed and printed them in a makeshift darkroom at my home in country NSW.

My photography followed a natural progression, influenced strongly by technological change and just as importantly, influenced by the other passionate wildlife people who I have met along the way. After Uni, I worked in Alice Springs for many years, doing fauna surveys, chasing threatened species and then some botanical work. I moved to Queensland in 1993, where I worked with National Parks and I also rekindled my passion for fauna.

Throughout all of this time, the one enduring interest that I have always had is bats! I think this is because they are so easily overlooked and very few people, even quite dedicated wildlife people, know much about them. In 1989, I produced a field guide to the bats of the NT and have supplied images to almost all subsequent mammal guides, both National and regional, ever since. If you visit some of the galleries, you will see a special one for Australian bats, and this is the most comprehensive set of images ever assembled for our Australian species. I am currently working on a new field guide for Australian bats with Sue Churchill, author of the two previous Australian bat field guide publications.

I do photograph other subjects as the galleries in this website show.

At the present time, I provide images for various non-profit conservation groups, including Bush Heritage, FAME, the South Endeavour Trust and a number of national parks services, as well as wildlife magazines and artists who need images to base their work on. I have seen my images appear in some quite surprising places, including an interpretive panel for bats in a small zoo in Vanuatu and a larger interps panel in a Canadian zoo (which might have been replaced by now).

My images are represented by Nature Picture Library in Bristol, UK.

Wildlife Australia Magazine

Wildlife Australia Abandoned Mines

Walker's Bats of the World

Mammals of Australia I